Nov 20, 2020


Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving

A poem for the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy.

This thanksgiving

Let’s remember to thank

All the health workers

Who are our heroes

Working day and night

Caring for all our loved ones

That are in their watchful care.

This thanksgiving

Let us be grateful & kind

To all the delivery workers

Who drop off the various boxes,

Packages, and even food items

Right to our living areas, or

Even in front of our doors

Or in the mail box.

This thanksgiving

Let us share messages

Of gladness and hope

To one and all around us

For we are still breathing,

And able to celebrate with

Our family and friends in

This long, and crazy year.

This thanksgiving

Maybe even take a

Moment of silence

To say thanks and

Give praises for

Making it toward the

Last months of 2020!

(All Rights Reserved, 19th November, 2020).

Happy Holidays to one and all. Have a thankful Thanksgiving break and holiday season! God bless. ❤